How Long Does Dentist Numbing Last?

Many people feel numb after having dental procedures done. The numbness is caused by injections that take place before the procedure starts.

The numbness in your teeth will usually last for one to two hours. The numbness in your lips and cheeks may last for up to three hours.

You can help the numbness wear off sooner by massaging your lips and cheeks. You can also increase blood flow to the area by using a warm compress.


Dentists typically use a drug called Novocaine to numb the areas in and around your mouth for dental procedures. Novocaine is actually a brand name for a local anesthetic called procaine. It is one of the shortest-acting anesthetic shots and its effects last only about 30-60 minutes. Novocaine is injected through a small needle and you may feel some pressure as the dentist places the injection but you shouldn’t feel pain.

For longer procedures, a dentist will inject a larger area with a block injection to anesthetize a wider area. For some procedures, a dentist will also inject epinephrine to speed up the drug’s effect.

Some dentists also have the ability to reverse the effects of anesthesia with a medication called OraVerse. The dentist can inject this after the procedure but it costs extra and most insurance plans don’t cover it.


Novocaine is a type of local anesthetic that is used by dentists to numb the mouth. It is believed to begin numbing the injection site within 90 seconds and can last up to two hours. It also contains epinephrine which helps the anesthesia to last longer.

Block injections are typically given for more involved procedures such as root canals and implant placement. These injections target larger areas in the mouth and require a higher dosage of Lidocaine than infiltration injections.

The length of time the anesthetic lasts depends on a variety of factors, including the type of procedure and the dose. It also varies from person to person as some medical conditions affect the breakdown and speed of the drug.

There are many ways to help the numbness wear off faster, such as taking a walk or massaging the area. Talking and laughing can also increase blood flow to the area, helping it regain feeling. Alternatively, your dentist may be able to offer a reversal medication called OraVerse that can make the anesthetic wear off twice as fast as waiting for it to naturally dissolve.


The numbness caused by Xylocaine wears off much more slowly than Novocaine. It takes about 30-60 minutes for the numbness to disappear. This may be longer depending on your unique body chemistry. For example, the way your mouth and blood vessels work impacts how long the numbness lasts. In addition, certain medical conditions can affect the duration of anesthesia.

If the numbness lasts for more than a few hours or a day, contact your dentist. They may advise you to speak or move the area to stimulate blood flow and speed up the return of sensation.

Some dental practices offer a second injection to reverse the effects of the first numbing medication. While this isn’t a common practice, it does help people who experience numbness for longer than normal. However, this requires extra money and time to complete the process. It is important to mention this option to your dentist before you receive the first injection.


Most dental procedures require the use of anesthesia to numb certain regions of your mouth and face. Depending on your individual body and the type of procedure, this numbness can last for several hours.

Some dentists may also administer epinephrine, which extends the duration of the anesthesia by constricting your blood vessels. However, for quick procedures and taking into account a patient’s medical history and blood pressure, the anesthesia can be administered without this component.

You can help speed up the process of numbness wearing off by gently rinsing your mouth with warm water, massaging, or engaging in low intensity exercise. You can also suck on ice chips to stimulate blood flow and help the anesthesia break down and wear off faster.

You can also ask your dentist to provide you with medicine that reverses the effects of anesthesia, which will make the numbness dissipate twice as fast. However, keep in mind that this will require another injection and may cost more than simply waiting for it to naturally wear off.

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Many people feel numb after having dental procedures done. The numbness is caused by injections that take place before the procedure starts. The numbness in your teeth will usually last for one to two hours. The numbness in your lips and cheeks may last for up to three hours. You can help the numbness wear…